Thursday, October 31, 2013

Yes, Mom totally caved!

For the past few years, my family has made occasional subtle comments about adding some kind of pet to our family.  When we go to friends' houses, the boys always love their pets and tell others that "mom won't let us have one."  They have never said it to be vindictive; they have just stated the truth.  The ultimate comment came from Derrick who said, "You would win Mother of the Year if the boys got a puppy for Christmas."  Guilt.  Shame.  But, NO, there are so many reasons why we should not get a pet.  And the boys knew all of them.

One evening, we were at the park for a friend's birthday party.  A mom approached with her kids and a box of four four-week-old kittens for whom they were trying to find homes.  I saw the boys' eyes light up.  Their faces were all smile and laughter when they  played with them.  Then, once again I heard, "but our mom won't let us have one."  Up until this point, reason and logic held the upper hand, and I knew they would get over it, just as they have many times before.

What happened?  Why did I even consider this?  I have no idea, but somehow I said, "Yes, we'll take one.  Thank you."  Imagine the shock and disbelief!  They were SOOOO excited and kept asking if I really meant it.

So, sweet kitty is now a part of our lives.  The kitten is an outdoor/garage cat, and it's been the source of great entertainment for us, especially for the boys.

On the way home from the park, we threw out several ideas for names.  There wasn't one name we agreed upon, so I decided that, since there were no other girls in the house, that I would get to name her.  "Bianca" came to mind from the movies The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under.  (The irony is that Bianca was actually a mouse.  Oh, well.)

Isn't Miss Bianca sweet?

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