Wednesday, December 4, 2013

No More Bianca

Because of the adoption process, we had to submit paperwork on our kitten, which meant taking her to the vet for shots.  We hoped we wouldn't have to do this since she is a garage kitty, but it's still required.  After calling to find out exactly how much that will cost us, we found ourselves in a dilemma, and started looking for ways to find her a new home.

However, that didn't pan out, and after a couple of days of the boys asking what we could do to keep her, we made the Deal-of-the-Year with them:  All three boys agreed that keeping Bianca and taking her to the vet for all the required shots and check-ups would be their one and only Christmas present from us this year!  Easy as that.  Everyone's happy.  (Smart move, huh?)  And don't worry - the grandparents will make sure they have something to open for Christmas.

(Note:  A couple of days later, Luke said, "Mom, I know we don't get any presents this year . . .but will we get presents NEXT year?)

BUT, As everything seems to go in my household, our first vet visit revealed that we do NOT have a Bianca after all; we have a BiancO.  Yes, in the masculine form.  Sigh!

So, "Bianca" is no more, and we all took several weeks to get used to saying "he" instead of "she". . .

The feisty little guy gave the vet tech a run for her money at his appointment, which helped us choose his new MASCULINE name:  Manny.  He's named after Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino boxer.  Of course, this is a nod to our new son's heritage, so everything fits.

Yea, though, I am still the lone female in this household.  Do you feel bad for me, or for all the boys who have to put up with me trying to put up with them?

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