Wednesday, June 18, 2014


We finally made it home!  We calculated our total hours of travel from waking up at 2am to get to the airport until the moment we arrived home:  34 hours and a few minutes!  Welcome Home becomes the best friend of Welcome Jet Lag.... Ugh!

Surprise!  Our friends, Brian and Marti Harriss and Kids who live near St. Louis, greeted us at the airport (Marti took pics that she will forward to us later).  They have five awesome girls and just adopted siblings, Lyza and Ezra, in April.  Isaac, Lyza and Ezra became friends when they were on the same hosting trip last summer.  What a fun surprise to see them all! They even became our personal shuttle service to long term parking!  Thank you, Harriss family, for welcoming us home - which was no easy task since you had to constantly track our delayed flight - and for encouraging Isaac by seeing his friends.

Surprise!  We walked into our house to see that it had been sprinkled with signs from friends at church welcoming Isaac!  I am sure I noticed some groceries on the counter, too!  What a thoughtful and loving gesture from our friends and the youth at church!

Now that we are home, we are far from saying "whew, we are finally done."  This is more like "alright, here we go.  Let's get started!"  We are so blessed by our family and friends who are already playing an important role in Isaac's life!  

Thank you all!  

(The big yellow banner is what people signed at our adoption fundraiser in March.)

1 comment:

Denise P. said...

Tears, tears, tears! To watch all this unfold, to watch the love of Christ POUR from your heart and soul as you embrace what He's called you to do, to see the precious signs that show how excited everybody is to watch God's plan unfold, the sign on the bed, and to see him standing under his sign, finally HOME! WOW! Just...WOW! God is SO good! So happy for all of you! Had it not been for the delay, you would've had a whole bunch of us standing in the street with signs as you pulled through town, screaming and waving with excitement! Love you guys! Welcome home!