Monday, December 23, 2013

How Many Stockings Do You See?

You already knew we were adding to our family; now you know his new name!

Once you know what his name means, you know why we have chosen this for our new son: "LAUGHTER."  If you don't believe us, just wait until you meet him!

We also chose "Isaac" because, when we read Genesis 22, we are amazed at Isaac's trust in God (his heavenly father) and his trust in Abraham (his earthly father).  We pray that our Isaac learns to have such an amazing portion of trust in God and in his new father, as Derrick, myself and the boys embrace him as part of our family.


Check out (Bob and Katherine Sanford) and go to Articles to find "A New Name."  We so appreciated hearing from this adoptive couple and their godly hearts for adopted children - of which they have 15!!  We're pretty sure we can trust their wisdom on this matter, and many more!

For our adoption story, scroll down to the post from October 31, 2013 entitled "Another Boy?"


Jessi said...

I love his name!

pkmama said...

Thank you!

We think it fits him so well. :)